Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Got our first egg today, from our 21 week old Red Star chicken, Garnett....

not sure if this picture will post but crossing my fingers..

We got our first eggs yesterday!! Our 6 RIR's turned 21 weeks old today! I found the first egg- soft shelled and crushed first thing in the morning. Then I found a shell-less egg an hour or so later. About 3-4 hours after that I went out to check the coop to find 4 wonderful hard shelled eggs weighing 1.2 oz- 2.3 oz! I think it is funny all 6 of our ladies decided to lay their first eggs on the same day!! It was a great day. We had no eggs today, which is what I figured. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store!!

Group photo. The big deal is the white egg in this carton. That is the FIRST egg from my only White Leghorn. All my other ladies lay brown eggs. I had a 10-egg day today, but this is obviously the big news. She's approximately 21 1/2 weeks old. That's just as old as my Barred Rocks that started laying at 18 weeks, 3 days so I am very happy to see she's got her lay on! Even a couple of my 18 week old production reds are laying. She is the runt of the flock compared to my 6 BRs, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Buff Wyandotte, and the 6 production reds. She had two other Leghorns with her when I got them, but dang it all, they were roos, and had to go. Maybe she is a bit lonesome!

Anyway, this was my first 10-egg day, and I'm glad to see my little Leghorn joined the laying club! Neat!

I found my first egg this morning by the water container outside in the run.


My Barred Rocks are 18 weeks old, two are mature.


This is Fiesta, who may have laid it.

I am so jealous of all of these beautiful first eggs! I am still waiting for mine...
It shouldn't be too much longer! My bigger girls are 17 weeks give or take a few days, and I noticed a LOT of comb and wattle development in the last week.
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