Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Got this around one o clock today:) My very first egg. It was a black sex link almost 20 weeks old. Now the other 6 chickens need to do their thing. They are all within days of the 20 week mark. I have another black sex link, a gold sex link, a SLW, a BO, a buff cochin, and a Danish brown leghorn.
LOL No, not going to keep them though I could. But I am excited to put egg shells in my compost and use the firsts to get my first batch of home done compost in my garden next year.. Its full of chicken poo, straw and food scraps and weeds right now. :)
My first egg. My black javas are only 15 weeks old and not producing yet, but I got 5 mottled java pullets that are 6-7 months old a few days ago and one of them presented me with this earlier today. Of course, it was just in the floor of the coop, not the nesting box that was lovingly made after much pouring over plans for them...

My first egg. My black javas are only 15 weeks old and not producing yet, but I got 5 mottled java pullets that are 6-7 months old a few days ago and one of them presented me with this earlier today. Of course, it was just in the floor of the coop, not the nesting box that was lovingly made after much pouring over plans for them...

Woohoo! Congratulations! Beautiful egg!
YES! My 5 pullets are almost 9 months old... and this week two have started laying! The two browns are from one of the 2 NN, TWAF (Turken With A Funny hat, because she has a funky crest) and the green is from one of the 2 EE, CheChe. The remaining NN,EE, and leghorn have yet to lay. The white egg is a store egg for comparison.

Aww, my Orpington laid her first egg, but did it overnight so it landed on some chicken wire and got pecked and stepped on. It was also a little soft shelled. I would post a pic, but it's not pretty anymore.
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