Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Here is the first two together. Any opinions about whether they were laid by the same chicken or different girls? The first one was much lighter in color.

I would guess different hens since they were only 2 days apart and quite different in color. I think the shading can change over a period of time when they lay every day but not so likely 2 eggs in 3 days. Someone that knows more than I (that would be most people) can confirm or deny.

Is it normal for hens to start laying all at the same time? It seems to be common!

Not in MY flock it isn't! First to lay was 11/3. I don't think the second Partridge Chantecler has started laying 2 months later.

I posted a pic of our first egg on wednesday. No egg yesterday, but found this one today!

Here is the first two together. Any opinions about wether they were laid by the same chicken or different girls? The first one was much lighter in color.

And just for fun, a picture of Beatirce (aka Big Bird) of the likely suspects of the first two eggs.

hahhaha...she has that "who, me?" look LOL :)
Is it normal for hens to start laying all at the same time? It seems to be common!
Funny...I've read where it's a trick to put fake eggs in the nest box to stimulate them to lay. My 4 girls seemed to have paired up in 2 sets of BFFs early on. Once Lucy started laying, her BFF Grace was doing it within a week. Lucy is an ISA Brown, and she started young like the are supposed to, but Grace is an EE and I was not expecting any eggs from those birds for another month or two. I think Grace wanted to be like her GF, lol. I think peer pressure can work. :)
Beautiful eggs. I love that mix of colors. I can hardly wait till my new girls grow up and I can get a beautiful array of colors like this. Shegeekster your eggs are wonderful as well. I have 2 - one month old murans... such a long wait on them..... I am excited for summer when all the new birds grow up and we can have a wonderful verity as this. I will have a few more of my birds though...
I kinda know what you mean, Inthesticks. I lost 6 girls and 2 turkeys to some lose dogs. My girls were very upset for a while. Does your area permit you to deal with the coyotes? We are not supposed to do anything about them here but the animal control told me that as long as I post a warning signs around my property then I am allowed to place poison down, "with the purpose of controlling or destroying predatory animals or livestock-killing dogs". I would normally not consider this but we have at least 4 homes that have all lost birds and rabbits. One neighbor is very worried about when his sheep start lambing. Good luck. I hope you get those..... coyotes.
Here in Colorado. It is open season on coyotes all year round. I dont know to many ranchers that will stop you from killing a coyote on their property if you see it. Since moving to my little five acres, I have killed 3 coyotes right from the deck in my yard. Its been a while since I Have seen one. I know they are still around, since I can hear them however. As long as you are 50 feet off the center line of the road and in the county you can dispatch them with prejudice if you see one. This is within reason however. Safety first.
I wish we could still do that here in Southern California. There is a lady at a feed store who told me they used to go hunting on horseback. To get rid of coyotes. Now we are not allowed to do anything to them. But this one law here, CA penal code 596, says that we can use poison if animals have come onto our property and killed our stock. The coyotes are getting bolder and even making homes in some of the cities. I am lucky that I live in the unincorporated area. Which means that I can use firearms on my property. It is legal for me to shoot anything that come after my animals. I have 1.5 acres and most of the people around me have about. I am sure none of them would say anything if I got rid of these dogs. We have some empty fields and the wash near us... things don't have to be found out here. Unfortunately since I live in an unincorporated area that also means people tend to dump there dogs here. They are more of a problem then the coyotes.
I don't have any riffle yet.... but I will soon. Until then... I may have to try the poison. I have got to protect my birds and the rest of my animals. I got 2 more eggs today. That makes 14 total.
Love this color. I have 2 murans. They are only about 5 weeks old though. I have a long wait on them. But it looks worth the wait. Congrats on the her first egg...
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