Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Got my very first egg from a girl I raised. I've had three hens laying for a while now, but I got them grown and already laying. I'm so proud, and the color is amazing. It's a deep olive color now, and I'm sure it will lighten, but gorgeous it is! So tiny compared to my others.
She was so proud we were all singing with her!!!



Here's my girl (blk w/ gold neck). Not sure of her breed but if anyone has a guess, feel free to tell me;)

looks just like my Easter Egger pullet! Such a pretty olive color, hoping my girl will lay that color when she starts laying!
came home from being gone one week and my Jaerhon pullet fiona left the three suprises on the left and the one on the right this morning. Those are her first eggs!!!! So happy!

Our barred rock's first egg... a double yoker!

Okay, today I got this little egg... The big one is from our Black Australorp. This is either the second egg from the barred rock (original egg the double yoker above) or it is the first egg of our Rhode Island Red...
Whooo-hooo ! My ( well ... one of my hen's ) first egg this morning !

And then, to top it off, another hen just laid her first this afternoon - after much carrying on and moving around ( hope it wasn't painful ).

Everyone's around the 19wk old mark. Pretty good huh ?

I can't get over how cool it is that chickens make such fine pets even before they lay eggs - and now, they're creating FOOD ! I LOVE keeping chickens !

Our first egg and the Rhode Island Red (Lucy) wins a watermelon dinner with all the trimmings.

And just think, this first egg only cost me about $3000.00. I hope the next ones are cheaper.
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Whooo-hooo ! My ( well ... one of my hen's ) first egg this morning !

And then, to top it off, another hen just laid her first this afternoon - after much carrying on and moving around ( hope it wasn't painful ).

Everyone's around the 19wk old mark. Pretty good huh ?

I can't get over how cool it is that chickens make such fine pets even before they lay eggs - and now, they're creating FOOD ! I LOVE keeping chickens !

I agree! Chickens are so much fun to watch, they are receptive to our affection (most of them hehe) and they deliver breakfast like clockwork! Congrats on your first egg!
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