Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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One of my Black Orps started right around 25 weeks.  Which was a week or two ago. The other two have not.  It is the shorter daylight hours also probably delaying things this time of year.    

My Orpington was the first one to stop laying with the shorter days and the last one to start again after we added a light in the coop. Good luck.
So excited for our first egg!! Never in a million years did I think I would be this excited LOL Not sure which one of ours laid it, either the Plymouth Rock or Brahma, but it was laid at 5 months old. I have a feeling it was the Plymouth Rock aka Freckles she has been squatting funny the last few days.
I think you are right. It probably is the Plymouth Rock. I don't know if all Brahma eggs are speckled, but all my Brahma girls lay light brown with darker brown speckled eggs.
An update from the, cough, cough. Crazy H-Bar Ranch.. We were blessed, cough, with 2 new eggs (colors) today;

The 2 on the right, cough, cough, side are the newest... These are our different colors in order, cough, cough, of appearance. (left to right, order of hens who started first to newest) The cream colored, cough, egg came from our Tetra and I think the red egg came from our Golden Comet.. cough!

Sorry for the coughing spasms; just came from the run after spreading the D.E. for the first, cough, time...
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