Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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So exciting! While my other 3 hens have been laying for a while now, our Ameraucana(23 weeks old) has finally laid her first egg today! Here's my 6 year old daughter getting it for the first time. We now have 3.5 dozen eggs already

So exciting! While my other 3 hens have been laying for a while now, our Ameraucana(23 weeks old) has finally laid her first egg today! Here's my 6 year old daughter getting it for the first time. We now have 3.5 dozen eggs already

Outstanding! It's always such a special day when you start getting a new egg - especially a pretty one like that!
Our EE's first egg!!!! It's blue!!!!! Exciting!!! She is 23 weeks/6 days old. Feel badly for her though. Took her about 6 hours and when it was finally out she just stood over it frozen as if in shock. So, she was rewarded with a pile of strawberry tops when she finally came out. I actually saw her lay the cool!!!


Our 1st egg EVER!!!! So excited! I may be more excited than our boys even are. So it is greenish blue, and so little, it had to be one of our 2 Easter Eggers, which surprised me. I figured one of our RIR or Barred Rocks would be first. They are all only 20 weeks old, so I was super surprised! YAY, let the egg laying commence! Can't wait to go home and check again tonight.

Question though, our girls free range most of the day, but have access back into the coup - She laid this under our deck where they like to hang out. How do we train them to lay in the nesting boxes? We have golf balls in there already.
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