Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Yay! Our first egg. It came from my Little Man's chicken Bumble Bee. She layed it this morning around 9:30 am (or so) and boy did it sound like she was working hard to lay that egg! Bwaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk! Bwaaaaaaakkkkkk!
Bumble Bee is a bit older than the other girls (a week or so) so hopefully the other will start laying soon!

hooray! Another "first egg" yesterday from a different chicken. Was thinking maybe my Polish, but there was a Silver Sebright feather in the box - anybody know what Sebright eggs look like? This one was quite a bit lighter than my light brown EE eggs, but not white.

deb g
My husband and I are on vacation and have a friend staying at the house and taking care of our chickens. They are exactly 20 weeks old today and this little egg was found last Thursday. (just got internet service). It was from "Mother". She is our Dominique that has been bossing all the other chickens around from the beginning.
We have 15 other chickens so we'll get to see many other "firsts". What a hoot, and if you didn't know it, it's the dinky little thing to the right:
I finally got my first Cuckoo Marans eggs... the top one is shown between two pale green/blue Easter Egger eggs and the bottom one is shown between two RIR eggs. I'm so eggcited! I just wish I could find a French Standard Rooster for my two girls.


They are about 7 months old. They were the last of my pullets to start laying. Of course, the ones I'm most excited to see take the longest. I got my Barnie at the same time and she's been laying for over a month now. Both of them started on the same day. I thought that was kind of funny.
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