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I have quite a few pictures of him. I'm not sure what to use for bait though. I don't want to catch a skunk. This guy came by last night.
I was wondering if a live bait would work. I have a small live trap I could catch a chipmonk in and place it in the corner, with the foot trap in front of it. Do you think that would work to target just the fox?

Here is the fox again...last night.

i saw a trick on a tv show where you put live bait, like a rabbit in a small cage and place it outside of the back end of the trap and the animal you are trying to catch will go in to the trap and try to get the bait. I have seen it work
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I think you really have to camoflauge a trap for foxes, they are very smart and suspicious. I remember someone saying they are attracted to movement so they nailed feathers where they would blow a bit in the wind. Good luck catching him/her
I have quite a few pictures of him. I'm not sure what to use for bait though. I don't want to catch a skunk. This guy came by last night.
I was wondering if a live bait would work. I have a small live trap I could catch a chipmonk in and place it in the corner, with the foot trap in front of it. Do you think that would work to target just the fox?

Here is the fox again...last night.

dont' you dare use a poor lil chipmunk to catch a skunk LOL!! i love my lil chippy!

I think you really have to camoflauge a trap for foxes, they are very smart and suspicious. I remember someone saying they are attracted to movement so they nailed feathers where they would blow a bit in the wind. Good luck catching him/her

YOU just HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!!, you definately have to REALLY hide a trap if your gonna make it for a fox b/c they aren't like coons, coons are kinda curious & stupid lol but yea like you said drum....camoflauge it definately 1st of all, they don't like going in tight spaces w/out knowing anything about them so a bigger trap would be better also. And yea they are really smart & suspcious, & that bit about moving feathers is a really good idea actually
it should get his attention thats for sure.

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