Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

Two funny ones here:


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Here is a pic of some of the wild Boars I am trying to hunt down, hopefully soon I will be having pulled pork......the stump in the pic is about 3.5' high. Most of the boars in the picture weigh in around 150-200lbs. There is a total of 9 on them in this group, though not all of them are in this picture.
Well I finally got a game cam. I really liked the Moultrie I-40s so I got one off of Amazon. When I have some extra cash I would like to get a few more. Anyways I finally got one after some sort of day time predator got 2 of my chickens. A week or 2 later after that my mom left a muscovy hen out one night, didnt tell me, & the next morning I found feathers, her head, a wing, a toenail, & a small chunk or something. The final straw was that the next night my mostly indoor cat got out & over the night disappeared with out a trace & he DOES NOT wander. He stays in mine & my neighbors property (im 100% possitive on that. Yes he is a cat but is too lazy to hop other necessary fences & none of my other neighbors have EVER seen him day or night). That was September 11th or 12th. Ive set up the cam in my field, where I found the duck, with different baits including cat food & treats, raw steak (cheap), & sardines. The only thing I got out there was one of my dogs eating & rolling in the fish when she got out. Then I set it up in my open carport with dog food or sweet feed, where I know feral cats run around, & all Ive gotten is a bunch of birds, a stupid squirrel, a mouse, & an unknown (blurred foot & tail) which I will be posting pics of next time I check the cam. Im running out of places to put the cam. Oh well. I really want to put it in front of my main coop since somethings been digging there but I know that if I get anything ill also get a bunch of shots of my nosy horses, & they may break it. My lead mare is the reason there are constantly broken things in & around my coop. If she isnt sneaking in she is denting the wire & stuff
. It really stinks because I could lock everyone in the round pen over night, but it is currently being used as a quarantine pen in another pasture. Something else to ad to my list of "doesnt sound like it but really is necessary expensive stuff" lol. Another round Anyways the last post on here was over a week ago so there has to be some new pics everyone has got: hint hint
. Start posting please!!!

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