Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

I think SantaSister is bringing me one. I noticed her looking at trees in an odd way this weekend, and when questioned said something mutter mutter sturdy mutter mutter...

I am also the child that if I had found manure in my stocking I would be looking for the pony that left it.

I was just getting ready to bump this.
Oh and I also found my sister checking out this thread!
I know we have the usual, deer, racoons, deer, skunks, deer, ground hogs, deer, hawks. I want to see what I don't know about. I think.
Are we there yet????
I am blaming them on my lack of sweet potato crop.
Looked just like the cartoons, tops beautiful, start digging and get about an inch of potato tops... whatever it was came up through the bottom of my raised bed, so one of my winter projects is laying hardware cloth as the bottom.
they are pretty cute. (if there are no crops or livestock that will stick a leg down a hole)
Oooooh can't wait.
Checked my cam today, & I got a bunch of pics & vids of the local pheasants. The bad thing is that for the IR flash to work at night I need to mount the cam higher or the flash goes maybe 5 ft & shows absolutely nothing, but that would mean id have to dig up & re-bury a post every time I decided to change my cam location
. Oh well I guess sometime in the next week or 2 I will start doing that. Anyone want to see some of my pheasant vids?
Well DUH!
Or, yes please, thank you very much!

Will a game cam pick up regular birds? I have to bring my feeders in at night because something (I think racoons) will bend the pole all the way over to the ground. I would LOVE a video of it happening, and if I got picks of the birds coming in and out that would be kind of cool too.
Lol. Will upload vids momentarily! I think most game cams would pick up a bird moving, but make sure to purchase a security box & or make sure your cam is placed some where a coon cant get to it. Ive heard that they can do A LOT of damage to a cam. It happened to Tala once I believe.

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