Potty Training Chickens, How-to!

Why stop there? Attach a perch to the lid and toilet train him.

I can see a problem getting him to flush.

Actually, I had a roo years ago that was literally potty trained. It is possible. He taught himself.
Me and my family (I was about 14) went on vacation and left him with my grandparents. Well...they had a half bath they left him in, loose, and left the lid up. He ended up falling in, and I guess he started perching on the rim of the toilet...? Anyway, by the time I got back, when I would get him out, he'd run around and when he had to go, he'd hop up, do his business, then jump back down again. If I was carrying him, he'd start doing this growly cry and I'd take him in the bathroom. It was amazing. I never talked my parents into letting him run loose in the house, though.
If he was near the bathroom, he'd go in himself. If we were in another part of the house, or somewhere he wasn't familiar with, he'd cry.

This was a bantam barred cochin. He was really a great bird.

That is amazing. I used to live near an old lady who had a potty-trained roo living in her house but I don't think he taught himself to go in the toilet! Wow. Thank you for sharing
Aww, my sympathies.
Thanks for the guide, Hackles. This'll be really useful.
Out of curiosity, is it possible to train chickens to do other things? Like fetching the paper (or something smaller)?
wow I have way to many creatures to potty train im working on my son and three labs I dont think the chicken would survive inside for long !
Ondra's Seramas :

I am working on doing this to my little 2 month serama cockerel. I am also harness training him.

Yeah, I'm hoping to use this guide to get a serama myself, but given our many cats that is not a realistic idea. I'm thinking a Bearded D'Uccle.​

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