Ended Poultry Shaming Contest!

I like one certain laying basket and if someone else is in it I'll sit on them or squawk extremely loud until they leave. (Yes we have more then 1 laying basket)
i own 2 different poultry birds we recently got ducks but have had guineas for a very long time I too love how dumb and crazy then can be but at the same tie they can be pretty smart all my guineas have their own personalities
All guineas ? I’m not too sure.
My guinea pig is way different. 5237795C-0815-438E-A517-99C59BA57DB3.gif
We had a pile of feathers in our front yard once(not chicken) and I told my 10 year old with straight serious face that a bird exploded and he believed me🤣🤣🤣 looked like this mess
That’s funny, but not funny. :gig
We had a free range rooster missing a few years back, and we found three “neatly” stacked feather piles in the woods…. (None of our family butchers, but something happened.)

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