Power in Coop


Apr 30, 2024
I am at the point of needing to build my coop. My question, that I cannot find an answer to, is how has everyone provided power to their coops to make sure the chickens have a heated water source or heat plate during the winter time? Temps are still hitting 30° at night here and our chicks still get cold easily even at 6-8 weeks old so they will need the heater for a little longer while in the coop.
I am at the point of needing to build my coop. My question, that I cannot find an answer to, is how has everyone provided power to their coops to make sure the chickens have a heated water source or heat plate during the winter time? Temps are still hitting 30° at night here and our chicks still get cold easily even at 6-8 weeks old so they will need the heater for a little longer while in the coop.
We ran an extension cord to ours from house. I have to admit my dh is an electrician. We have to worry more about heat here - have fan on all time in their coop
You don't need extra heat for feathered in birds, and yours should be, unless its so cold boiling water freezes midair.
Most people don't run power to their coop, but you can get a water thawer if needed. Outdoor extension cords + surge protector + ends weatherproofed.
how has everyone provided power to their coops to make sure the chickens have a heated water source or heat plate during the winter time?
I ran a circuit off the sub-panel in my garage and used US-B cable and buried it PVC conduit. I like having lots of lighting options in the coop, especially when I'm worming the whole flock individually, and being able to run fans and heat for my waterer.
You don't mention your location or temperature ranges so it's hard to say if heat would be required or recommended for your coop.

Strictly for keeping water liquid, I run an extension cord out to the waterer.

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