prayer needed now!

Prayers on the way. Hanna did a great job. That is just wonderful, at least the friend told her - that means she has the will to live.

Lord, keep this young people in your sight. Allow them to see the blessings of this world. Amen
I think God may have chose to work through your daughter.

Her friend will be fine. 12 pills of most medications won't hurt her and they
will pump her stomach if the doctors are worried. The child will probably be
locked up in a psych ward for a few weeks so don't plan on hearing much.
If the girls parents allow your daughter visitation bring her yourself. She will
need her mom with her. Those places are very "heavy" but they save lives.
Prayers coming your way for Gods will to be done in everything.
the young ladies' mom came to the church and took her to have her stomach pumped.

PC...i believe you are correct on all aspects. my guess is the state minimum of three days. and yes, they are very overwhelming facilities to be in, for guest and patient.

if Hannah is allowed to visit, i will make sure she gets there.

Hannah herself is a worn out, mentally, physically and emotionally. she has gone to bed to rest her head and heart. so is my husband and other two children. not as tired, though i am sure, as the family of the young lady. press on.

thanks to all...God bless!
I am praying for this girl. My heart hurts for her. I am lifting her up right now.

I am also praying for your daughter. Praying for peace and strength.

May the Lord also be with you as you talk with your daughter and family.

Bless you!

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