prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I'm sorry things got a bit unpleasant a while ago, but ... two things come to mind. One, we're kind of like a family here, and I think it's inevitable that sometimes families have these "growing pains" where we jostle each other a little bit. If we can remember to treat each other as we'd like to be treated, I think we can work things out pretty quickly and get back to what this thread is about, which is praying for each other and anyone in need.

Second, I think we need to realize that prayer is the most powerful thing in the universe, and Satan hates it. He's going to do everything in his power to stop us, disrupt us, distract us, and turn us against each other so the Lord can't use us. We can't let that happen! I suggest we agree to each of us pray BEFORE we come here, asking the Lord to protect us and use us and this thread to His glory.

This thread is important. Look how many answered prayers we've seen and experienced! God wants to use us. Let's dedicate ourselves to that purpose.

What say you?
Couldn't have said it better myself! Amen!

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