Prayers please... there starting again

Your Dad's migranes are probably seriously influenced by his alcohol consumption. The simple sugars will cause excruiciating pain. I'd take him to a good chiropractor, natriopathic doctor and the kinesiologist. Kill the white flour, sugar, rice, processed food, anything w/MSG (aka autolysed yeast extract, hydrolysed vegetable protein). MSG causes jabs and stabs, migraines and cluster headaches. The specialist at the Cleveland Clinic said to avoid all aged cheeses. That means only american, cottage etc. Avoid chocolate, lunchmeat, hotdogs, all nuts but almonds, caffeine (it may help momentarily, but it will cause severe rebound.)

Butterbur Root really helped. I'm praying for his deliverence and healing.
My husband has headaches that are called "cluster" headaches. He started getting them when he was around 17 years old and he has had them up until last year (fingers crossed they are over and he never gets another)...he is 50 years old now. They start around the end of August, first of September and they continue for 8-16 weeks. Little is known about what causes cluster headaches, but they most commonly start in males at a fairly young age, occur once a year for an extended period of time, and are outgrown in many cases, a lot of times they are seasonal and there is some discussion that clusters are triggered by the shortening of the days (this makes sense in my husband's case). My husband is not an alcoholic and he does avoid chocolate, nuts, aged cheese and a variety of other things. He can go from completely normal to completely debilitated in less than 5 minutes. A lot of his headaches will start while he is asleep and then just continue over and over. He has participated in several medical studies at Duke and other medical facilities, he has gone to neurologist, chiropractors, acupuncture - you name it - nothing works. The ONLY thing that helps him is Imitrex injections. After an injection of Imitrex, the headache is mostly gone within 12 minutes. These are the most miserable things and it is so hard to watch when he is having these headaches. The doctors have said that sometimes oxygen helps with these types of headaches (does not work for my husband). Also, excessive water is said to help some people, again, not my husband. When he gets finished with a cycle of cluster headaches, usually 8-16 weeks, his head feels bruised, and his arms are completely bruised from all the injections. He hasn't had one in over a year - I hope he has finally "outgrown" them.

Try this site to see if you find any tips. If not, maybe some support.

Feel free to PM me if you want more information.

Good luck ! My thoughts are with you and your family.
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I agree with the kinesiologist / chiropractor. Using one of those in conjunction with a MD really can help the body heal much faster. Also, the aspirin... not a good idea as someone else stated with the alcohol use.

Might I suggest, get your hands on a good Essential Peppermint oil. I use Young Living's as they are therapuetic grade. This oil is great at opening up the blood vessels and is completely "side effect" free. If you want more info, feel free to pm me.

Prayers are sent your way for you, your dad, grandmother and the rest of the family that is not there. You are loved in ways you don't understand!

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