Precautions for new rooster?

Lady Grey

In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2015
Northwest Oregon
Some of you may remember my last post, asking about what kind of roo to get. I did not intend to get one until spring; however, the schedule has been moved up. My drake is far too interested in the chicken hens for safety, so I will be acquiring my roo right away. This afternoon, probably.

My question is, are there any special actions I should take when introducing him? I have a drake and a gander already-- both of whom are starting to show signs of spring hormones. Should I introduce him to them separately, away from the females? Obviously I will be enacting a quarantine before any of this, but I want to be prepared ahead of time, just in case. He'll get a dose of probios and electrolyte powder to boost his immune system.

One final thought. I will be acquiring a new hen tomorrow. Should I try to introduce him to the new girl before they go out with the existing flock? Or should I do the meetings separately? Any additional advice would be appreciated; this will be my first experience with a rooster!
If you're not gonna quarantine him, just throw him in there and see what happens... Just make sure he has no mites because they're the worst of any disease!
Are you getting a rooster on the premise he will protect your hens from the drake? It's been my experience that a drake will kick a rooster's butt. My drake is definitely top dog in the run, none of my roosters have ever been alpha to him. Drakes are some of the most sexually aggressive animals there are. If he doesn't have enough duck hens to keep his attention, you may need to house ducks and chicken separate.
I am getting a roo for a variety of reasons. I was hoping he'd keep the drake away, but if that doesn't happen I will separate them. The free-range during the day, so the chickens can escape him if they want to. The problem has been, they like his attentions! I was hoping that with a boyfriend of their own, the hens would decide that Sebastian (drake) is a nuisance instead of a mate.

I will definitely be checking for mites! They are the LAST thing I need right now!!
Hehehe yup! And if they free range there's nothing to worry about they will have their own space. However i think that drink needs a girlfriend or tow ;)
Lol... My drake has four girlfriends! He's just greedy.

So long story short, on the way to pick him up, I came down with some kind of horrible bug. By the time I got home that night, I was way too sick to make the quarantine area. I checked him for mites, and the put him in the shed with the girls, drank some Kombucha and went to bed. So no quarantine. *sigh* He's way too big for the dog carrier I was hoping to use. I guess I'm a bio security failure.

I hate it when my body uproots my plans.

I'll try to get some pictures of him when I feel better, but in the meantime, his name is Vetiver. He's a handsome grayish/yellowish fellow. Although just a barnyard mutt, Vetiver has free-ranged his whole life in a working flock. He is already taking good care of my (his!) hens, dancing for them, etc. He doesn't crow a lot, and he's quite docile. I love him already!
Congrats on your new rooster! I hope that bug is not a mit xO ! Hope you get better soon! And post some pics of the fella! Banyard mutts are awsome!

And here he is! Lol, they're all mad because it's raining.

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