Predator calls?


Aug 12, 2018
orlando florida
Do hens make predator calls? I don't have a rooster but I actually keep my door open during the day and play a huge role in my hens lives. like a big role. I'm almost just like a rooster to them I'm with them that much. I don't just forget about them once their fed, but I'm not always outside or watching 100 percent of the time and SOMETIMES my hen makes this noise at my window. Is this a universal predator alert or something?? The other day I was taking a nap in the grass and one of my chickens started purring at me because there was a snake... so im trying to figure out what these sounds mean exactly and if if normal for hens to make those specific sounds? or does she do it in the absence of a "proper" rooster
Yes, my hens make predator calls. My flock of hens were 2 years old before I added a rooster. They still make predator calls even when he does. Habit I guess. In a separate run I have a mother hen and her six chicks, and she sounds an alarm to them when she sees a bird of prey (or any bird flying overhead - blue jays, doves, she's paranoid) flying overhead.
My rooster makes purring sounds when he is alarmed by something so this, I am guessing is the lead hen, you will find the leaders of the flock will often warn them of any dangers and purring just happens to be one of those sounds. Hope I could be of some help
Do hens make predator calls? I don't have a rooster but I actually keep my door open during the day and play a huge role in my hens lives. like a big role. I'm almost just like a rooster to them I'm with them that much. I don't just forget about them once their fed, but I'm not always outside or watching 100 percent of the time and SOMETIMES my hen makes this noise at my window. Is this a universal predator alert or something?? The other day I was taking a nap in the grass and one of my chickens started purring at me because there was a snake... so im trying to figure out what these sounds mean exactly and if if normal for hens to make those specific sounds? or does she do it in the absence of a "proper" rooster
Hens do give predator alarms. The easiest example that proves the point is a mother hen with chicks who will warn the chicks in the event of a predator sighting, so the ability is undoubtedly there.
When a rooster for one of the groups here died the most senior hen took over the lead role for the rest of the group. I wasn’t able to observe the groups behavior as closely as would have liked at the time and only heard the hen give what may have been an alarm call a couple of times. What did happen is the senior hen led the group and her routes while out free ranging were different routes to the routes the group had taken when the rooster was alive. When a new rooster was accepted by this group (he was a cockerel at the time) the senior hen taught the cockerel the routes she had adopted when she led the group.
Hens may have a different predator avoidance strategy to roosters when a rooster isn’t present.

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