Predator in Coop Graphic Kill Pics

I got my havahart trap earlier this summer,and it was quite active for a while.I still keep it set,but have not caught anything in a week. Sorry for your loss!
Got a coon last night.For a while there I thought I had cleaned up all the predators.There is always more!
I agree, since getting chickens I have a different attitude towards racoons, I had 2 ducklings killed this spring by a coon...I cried like a baby! Then 2 days later a weasel got in my run and killed 2 of my chickens. Needless to say I have since reinforced both houses and the chicken run and no attacks since! Good Luck with the trapping!
YEAH!! You got the little stinker. We have caught five in the last week! I swear I think these thing have organized a gang! They were kind of leary of our trap until we baited it with marshmallows. They just love them, and we just love catching them.
Are any of you going into the fur trade industry? What do you do with your furs? Sell them, taxidermy practice/ children’s toys. Or possibly send your children to school looking like little Mountain Men? Perhaps you should change your log in name to Jim Bridger. Congratulations on your trapping skills.

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