Predator vs. Predator


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Central KY
I saw one of our border collies sniffing around in the front yard, doing the thing where they eeeeease their nose to the ground and then JERK their head back really quick when whatever has their interest makes a move..

I thought it might be a snake, so I went over with a spotlight and looked around. All I saw was a grasshopper.

I shut the light off and went back up to the porch..she went over and started sniffing again. I thought she was going to eat the grasshopper, and next thing I know, she's got a long wriggly thing in her mouth.



She dropped it on my order, and I went over and squished its head with my boot...steeltoe, leather, calf-high, pants were tucked into the top of the problem.

it was probably about 18-20" long and maybe 5/8" to 3/4" in diameter at the widest point.

Somehow, she apparently managed NOT to get bitten.

Sheesh...right in the front yard.
She's just a weird dog. She's smart and curious and can figure things out like a normal BC, but that's where the similarities end...she's dog aggressive, she's obedient to the point of seeming "needy" and a little codependent...she's fat as a bear, even though she's on a mere 2 cups of food a day plus 1.2mg of thyroxine for hypothyroidism..

She's just odd, and does odd things.. She'll walk right past her clean, cool water dish on the way outside, then run straight to a hot, murky mudpuddle and drink like she was about to die of thirst. Growls and bears teeth at our GSD when they're in the living room at the same time, but when they go on walks together, she acts like they're best buddies. Stuff like that.

She was a curbside special.. Just found her one day, walking the road. We literally have no clue where she came from. She can be a real PITA with the dog aggression sometimes, but then she''s hard to stay mad at her.


Just an oddball.

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