Preliminary coop and run design- Thoughts?

I'm confused about the 16 bird statement. The coop size is 96 sq. ft- 4 sq ft x 20 is only 80 sq ft. - that's an extra 16 sq ft??

I've read in multiple places that 8 ft of run per bird was sufficient. We also plan to free range as much as possible but it probably wouldn't hurt to bring it out another foot or two in case predators become a real issue. THANKS!
I read the coop as (8x12)-(8x4), so 64 sq ft. If I'm wrong and it's (8x12)+(8x4) then yes you have 96 sq ft plus an additional 32 sq ft (which doesn't count as coop space) which would house up to 24 or so birds. It sounds like I read it wrong!

I actually feel 10 sq ft per bird is too small, but that's the usual "recommendation" on here. I and a few others like DobieLover recommend closer to 15~20 sq ft per bird, and I personally feel that 100 sq ft should be the minimum size regardless of number of birds If you realistically will free range the majority of the time (not 1-2 hrs an evening) then you can get away with a little less run space.

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