Premature duckling

What I see is a shrunk wrapped duck that needs to be washed off easily from head to toe with a warm cloth. Being that she through it out so quickly, I suspect she could not do the needed work and so abandoned. Make sure eyes get cleaned, wings, mouth. Eyes and mouth shut completely? Probably stuck.
I would wash it off and stick back into a dry incubator set at 99. Good luck!
What I see is a shrunk wrapped duck that needs to be washed off easily from head to toe with a warm cloth.
Washed, as in get it wet? Not so sure I agree with that.
Make sure eyes get cleaned, wings, mouth. Eyes and mouth shut completely? Probably stuck.
Yes, clean eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

@Janetmaclean11, be very careful about getting the duckling wet because as fragile as it looks, getting it wet could chill it and cause death.
What I see is a shrunk wrapped duck that needs to be washed off easily from head to toe with a warm cloth. Being that she through it out so quickly, I suspect she could not do the needed work and so abandoned. Make sure eyes get cleaned, wings, mouth. Eyes and mouth shut completely? Probably stuck.
I would wash it off and stick back into a dry incubator set at 99. Good luck!
Brilliant thank you for your advice I’ll try that

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