Preparing Ducks for Show??


9 Years
May 23, 2010
What do you all do to prepare your ducks for show? We are going to be heading to a show next month and are planning on taking a pair of Saxony’s with us to the show. I am just curious what I need to do to get them ready. Thanks for any help!
really theres not much you can do. give them some clean water to take a bath in and make sure they get there feet/shanks clean (might use a washrag or something to wipe them off) then put them up so they won't get dirty.
Is there anything that you need to do the morning of the show before judging begins? We show Large Fowl Chickens so we have some prep-work to be done early in the morning. I have not noticed the waterfowl having much done with them. Do they need any pre show TLC?
we just give them clean water and the day before the show we use mineral oil on the legs and bill if they are dry....other than that there isn't much you can do. Never wash the ducks in soap, you will remove the natural oils in their feathers.
Thank you everyone for the information. As luck would have it their is also an article in Januarys edition of Exhibition Poultry on this very subject.

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