Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

Wow! They're gorgeous! Are you hearing any quacks yet? I still LOVE Butter. Roxy is quite stunning too! I am biased whenever it comes to the white ducks because of my sweet pea "Honey Boo Boo" who is my forever patient. I've been treating her for a year and a half now and she'll have to have her foot wrapped her entire life. Sweet sweet Pekins...... I love them so much but can't stand to watch them suffer (side note, I know that there are some very healthy Pekins that live long happy lives but both of mine are handicapped. My Drake hatched with a deformity and Honey Boo Boo suffered from bumble foot off and on for months but she's been infection free for the past 8 months). The white calls are like miniature Pekins in my mind! I'm determined to add one (or more) to my flock.
Thank you!! Butter for sure quacks. I think Roxy is a boy though. I'll try to get a better vid of vocals here soon.
Ok. I was just wondering. Would deworming be a good idea anyway?
From what I was told, ducks body Temps tend to run higher so they rarely experience the worm load that you'd find in other birds. Of course if you use a safe wormer, it won't hurt them. I completely understand your worrying. Anytime I've ever lost one and don't know why, I find it hard to not worry over every little thing. I never know if I missed that with the one I lost so I am super concentrated on everything. You're not alone or overreacting in any way. I hope Beans will be feeling better very soon.

Side note, don't take my word on this information. I can't recall where I got that information.
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Thank you!! Butter for sure quacks. I think Roxy is a boy though. I'll try to get a better vid of vocals here soon.
We ended up with the same ratio for our first call hatches! So exciting! Lylah and Faith are my girls and both of my grays seem to be drakes. I love them regardless, but the female Mallard pattern is one of my favorites. I guess I just need to enjoy it now before their nuptial plumage comes in <3
Did I post recent pics of round 2? I don't think I did. Here are Rosie, Clicker, Puddle, and Flipper.

Did I post recent pics of round 2? I don't think I did. Here are Rosie, Clicker, Puddle, and Flipper.
View attachment 2697539

View attachment 2697541
I think it has been a bit since I've seen pictures of them. It's crazy how much they've already changed! They're gorgeous and the names are awesome! Are you setting another batch or is this it for this year? The more I think about it, it's a good thing they're seasonal layers! If not, can you imagine the number of Call Ducks? They'd be taking over the world by now :bow Call Ducks for everyone! Then all of us could be like Oprah, but with Call Ducks "YOU GET A CALL! YOU GET A CALL! YOU GET A CALL!" or there would be some hoarders with MASSIVE call duck flocks (this would be me). Yes, it's a good thing they're seasonal layers :D
I think it has been a bit since I've seen pictures of them. It's crazy how much they've already changed! They're gorgeous and the names are awesome! Are you setting another batch or is this it for this year? The more I think about it, it's a good thing they're seasonal layers! If not, can you imagine the number of Call Ducks? They'd be taking over the world by now :bow Call Ducks for everyone! Then all of us could be like Oprah, but with Call Ducks "YOU GET A CALL! YOU GET A CALL! YOU GET A CALL!" or there would be some hoarders with MASSIVE call duck flocks (this would be me). Yes, it's a good thing they're seasonal layers :D
This is it for this year. 🤣
@WVduckchick is Gharth's story on this thread? I missed it somehow.

Oh my gosh! They're absolutely adorable! How old is Lenny Monster? I love that big baby! Makes me think of the term I've heard @Overo Mare use, "honker" (makes me laugh every time I think about it and it's so relatable ~ and yes the bird she used it for turned out to be one huge whopper of a girl) :lau
Lenny is a Cinco de Mayo baby! I'm sure it's a boy... I heard my first little soft quack today out of Jesus (not sure if I told y'all in this thread, but I found her frozen off the heat the first night, and I resurrected her, hence the name, plus its Hispanic...) so that's exciting! Pretty sure Fernanda is making little quack sounds too.
Sorry for those of you that have already seen this pic, but these are the Cinco babies. There is some confusion, I think. Lenny and Mama (OEGB cockerel) look too cozy.
From what I was told, ducks body Temps tend to run higher so they rarely experience the worm load that you'd find in other birds. Of course if you use a safe worker, it won't hurt them. I completely understand your worrying. Anytime I've ever lost one and don't know why, I find it hard to not worry over every little thing. I never know if I missed that with the one I lost so I am super concentrated on everything. You're not alone or overreacting in any way. I hope Beans will be feeling better very soon.

Side note, don't take my word on this information. I can't recall where I got that information.
This is my experience as well. I've never lost a duck to parasites. Predation, and old age, but never parasites. They are just so hardy.

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