Presidential Election - 2008

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I am a constituionalist. Our Fore Fathers took a lot of time for debate and compromise in composing our final constitution. It was and still is the very basis of what our country was founded for. It is very clear and straight forward. It needs no reinterpreting! Our country was formed on freedom, protecting our selves, family and property, debate and unity. If we stand as one, we stand strong.If we are divided we WILL fall, more than likely from within.

I have been reading the Federalist Papers. For those that doen't know of these, they are the letters written under the pseudonymPublius, by Alexander Hqamilton,James Madison, John Jay. They were published in N.Y.C. newspapers to inform the people why this constitution was so important. I find a lot of it is very relevant to what is going on today.

So, I vote for people that will uphold the constitution as it was written. no one should be trying to re-write it to suit themselves or up-date it.

How about my hen, Dorothy, who likes to listen to Vermont Public Radio? She's far more knowledgeable about foreign policy than the current waste of oxygen that is occupying the White House.
That's as nice as I can be...really it is...
:: checking her bulletproof vest and stepping gently up to the podium ::

I usually start with the Rep. ticket due to my conservative Christian background, but end up voting about 1/3 Dem due to individual views. Did I vote for Bush - sigh - yes. If time travel was an option, would I still have voted for him - I don't think so. Do I feel that my vote counts? No, I'm a Republican in Washington State, so all my vote counts for is a percentage of the voters who don't like who won - I won't get started on our "acting" governor.

My vote does count in the primary when I get to help select who will be defeated in the general election

My one statement - I wish that we could draft someone for president, because all of the truelly qualified people are running companies and staying way far away from politics and the type of person that actually wants the job should be automatically disqualified due to insanity.

:: re-reads, edits a bit to make things a little more open minded, decides that this post shouldn't get her banned, tarred and/or feathered, crosses fingers
and hits "submit" ::
You can never tell how anyone is going to be once they get to the big house, until after all the hoopla is over and the ego kicks in. I do vote, but I don't trust any of the Dems or Reps, so I go where the little people are and vote accordingly. (I go green, or with someone with a good purpose) They don't ever make it of course, but I do my voting!
It's amazing how many of our old time presidents wouldn't have gotten into office today...they wouldn't have had the money, the backing or the education...
I suggest we dig up "give em hell" Harry, Honest Abe and "Big Stick" Teddy...

My family was Republican, DH's was Democrat and I'm an Independent. I didn't vote for the Shrub...
I wouldn't vote for Romney because he messed up the state.
I like Obama and Hillary for the Dems and Thompson, the Guy from Law and Order, for GOP.
I also agree with Sdeneen! LOL
I'm with you SpottedCrow! I like Obama and Hillary, too. I'm leaning more towards Obama, I know he's fairly new to politics, but maybe that's what this country needs. Some young blood.

Really what we need is a candidate who will actually implement universal health care system, rather then talk about it. The cost of having a government run health care system compared to private care is less expensive and better for the country as a whole. It's been proven, just look at Canada, or any country that has nation wide health care. JMHO
I'm staying outta this un! I think this could get ugly real fast. Not much mroe can make somebody mad quicker than a good ole poiltical debate!
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