prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

Baroness, a five-year-old Barnevelder. She tries to be head hen, but no one puts up with her long!
I submit to you my best hen, Mother Clucker. She is stunning and was billed to me as an "easter egger" when purchased 4 years ago. She lays pink eggs and has green legs, which I find to be rare and much more beautiful than black or yellow legs/feet. She never has a bald spot and her eggs are extra large and perfectly gorgeous. She has no comb. Her feathers that shine beautifully gold in the sunlight.

Looks and egg production aside, she also has a wonderful personality. She has grown into her name, showing all the new chicks where the best foraging spots are and where to lay those beautiful eggs. Her best friend is Penelope, they have been tight since they witnessed the gruesome death of Attila the hen by the talons of a hawk. She is a total sweetheart who will come to the coops and jump in and out while I'm cleaning them (Eglu Cubes), just to coo at me and hang out. I absolutely adore this bird!


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This is Curious, I think she is seven maybe eight. Idk what breed she is but maybe someone can figure that out.
View attachment 3017308
This is Broken toe I believe she is the same age as Curious I also don't know what breed Broken toe is. I hope this picture is good enough to like judge her or whatever.
View attachment 3017309
Here is a different picture of Broken toe.View attachment 3017313Hope you like these pictures.
My hen, mother clucker, looks just like a younger "curious," what a nice bird!
Baroness, a five-year-old Barnevelder. She tries to be head hen, but no one puts up with her long!
View attachment 3021838View attachment 3021839
Wow! Her feathers are so beautiful!
Your bird just inspired me to buy one. I left this post and went to add one to my last order, but I had already ordered one! So much more excited for my new chicks now. Thanks for this joy in my life right now, your chicken is glorious.

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