Prettiest Mutt I ever hatched.....

I found a better pic of George from the front, so you can see his feather pattern there - this is where BabyMama got her patterning from.


George is very chunky!!

I must be used to seeing Charlie's tall, lanky frame. George is kind of 'squat' looking, isn't he??

But Charlie is all legs, so maybe that's why George looks so different?
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Yeah, all of them are very chunky

George is a cross, I think, between a LF and a bantam somewhere back in there (not parent birds, maybe grandparent or further back) - he isn't as tall as Charlie is, but he is certainly much taller than an oegb.

He does have shorter legs than Charlie, too.

Those pics were taken in early spring/late winter, so they'd been chowing down on the grain all winter long - they do slim up a bit in summer, cause I cut back on grain to coax hem to eat more bugs and such. Even now, though, they're kinda chunky
I've been trying to cut them down a bit more, but what can I do when they come begging - the adorable little boogers.

One reason for treats right now is I am trying to train the newer ones that me yelling "Chick Chick Chick" (like an idiot) means they get treats - so when or if I ever had to put them in their coops before "their" time to go in, I could perhaps get most of them in the coop at least.


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