Prettiest Pic of Your Chickens

I can't do it. I just can't. I can't pick 1 or 2 or 3. All my chick pics are my faves. Even the blurry ones....I'm not such a great photog and my camera is old. I gotta tell ya though, I LOVE SEEING ALL OF YOUR PICS!!!!! Between spending time looking at all of your beautiful chooks and roos, tending to the chicks (they will always be chicks to me) and ducks, and playing with my 4 dogs, working (yes, at home, but still work), I'm exhausted. I am about to load up my 34th stick from my camera, chock full of my precious babies!!!!!
How about geese?
My favourite picture of all time :love
i really don't mind, and thank you she is very inquisitive and friendly. When ever i am hammering of drilling in screws or just maintaining the run shes always under my feet and peck everything I'm holding (including a swiftly swinging hammer
, one day shes going to get hurt)

OOOUUUCH!!!!!! (and thank you for forgiving me)
I can't do it. I just can't. I can't pick 1 or 2 or 3. All my chick pics are my faves. Even the blurry ones....I'm not such a great photog and my camera is old. I gotta tell ya though, I LOVE SEEING ALL OF YOUR PICS!!!!! Between spending time looking at all of your beautiful chooks and roos, tending to the chicks (they will always be chicks to me) and ducks, and playing with my 4 dogs, working (yes, at home, but still work), I'm exhausted. I am about to load up my 34th stick from my camera, chock full of my precious babies!!!!!

That's perfectly fine!!!! POST THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NICE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just took some really good ones. As soon as I download them, I'll post them.
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That's perfectly fine!!!! POST THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we go!...The best chick pics on the planet!

Please know that this water bucket was invaded by ducks! My chick water is ALWAYS clean and fresh....the duck waterer is, too, but they (ducks) as lovely as they are....are REAL PIGS!!!!! LOL

This is Cayuga duck on the recoup...SHE IS DOING GREAT! (I found this little turtle pool at a garage sale for 25 cents...Had three holes, but some Gorilla tape fixed that in a hurry!) Now she has her own personal SPA!!!!!!!!

Patty's girls.....Shelley, Jeanie, and Sammy

This is Helen. I named her after my 4th grade teacher...Miss Helen. She was always so stern and cross. My Helen looks that way....but in real life she is the most wonderful Mommy and loving bird.
Sunny, Buff Orpington pullet, with Peep, Rhode Island Red pullet in background.

Speckles, Barred Rock cockerel, and Peep.

Speckles and Peep


Speckles (and Peep, sort of)

Sunny, who just healed (is hardly limping) from an unknown-of-cause-or-what-was-going-on leg injury.


Speckles and Peep

Lady Lacey, Barred Rock pullet

Speckles (and Peep, sort of)

Speckles and Peep

Speckles and Peep

Speckles (and Peep, sort of)

I know it's not necessary to put their names in each and every pic. But I just like to do it. I hope you like these pics as much as I do. I was going outside to get my shoes so that I could pick up the dog poo,(
), and I looked into the chicken coop. They chicks looked SO GOOD, especially Speckles and Peep, so i ran back inside yelling at everybody, "NOBODY GO OUTSIDE AND DISTURB THE CHICKS!!!!!! SPECKLES LOOKS GREAT AND I WANT TO TAKE HIS PICTURE FOR MY THREAD!!!!!"

(In the pics, it makes it look like Peep is speckles favorite pullet, but don't be fooled. his favorite is Lacey, but Sunny is still slightly recovering from her injury, so she flew up on the bench and not the perch, so Lacey, being very friendly and loving, decided to hang with her so she wouldn't get lonely)
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OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M LOVING THESE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ya know, this line of chickens comes to look like a line of dancing, worshiping, or even battle chickens!!!
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Please know that this water bucket was invaded by ducks! My chick water is ALWAYS clean and fresh....the duck waterer is, too, but they (ducks) as lovely as they are....are REAL PIGS!!!!! LOL

Believe me. I know how it is to make something nice and clean for your chickens and they, or other pets destroy it. (but we don't have ducks) I feel for you.
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