Preventative Care


5 Years
Mar 12, 2019
Hey everyone! We have a small flock of chickens (who are turning one next week). They are our very first experience with chickens and have done very well so far. We have been lucky to not lose any to pretators or disease. However I know that all can change in an instant. What I want to know is what kind of preventative measures should I be doing regularly? Other than the obvious cleaning of the coop and providing fresh food and water I always do visual checks for bumble-foot and mites. Would an experienced chicken owner tell me what we should be doing to keep our flock healthy? I have read so many things about oregano, ACV, deworming etc. I don’t know what is necessary vs not. Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it!
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You can get different opinions on this topic. Some people do things with DE, vinegar, different herbs or spices, all kinds of things. I don't. As long as they use moderation I also don't think they are hurting their chickens.

In my opinion you should supply clean water and a reasonable diet. Protect them from predators. Manage the poop so it doesn't build up to unhealthy levels. I expose them to their environment from an early age to strengthen their immune system. I don't treat them unless I have something specific to treat them for. Regular inspections are good.

Others may tell you that they do certain things and don't have certain problems. It is almost certain that I don't do those things and don't have those problems either. But as you say that could change tomorrow.
I also don't add any magic ingredients to their diets, just plain water to drink, and a good quality fresh food, and safe housing. I check for mites or lice every few weeks, and might run a fecal at the vet's office occasionally. They free range on my farm, and have to catch their own worms and insects!
Biosecurity! Having a healthy flock means being paranoid about biosecurity! I never bring home birds from 'random sources' like auctions or swaps, only good hatcheries, or raise my own. I've been careful, and lucky, and don't have Marek's disease or another nasty disease like MG.
Some folks have to test and worm their flocks every year, and others never have a problem. Some will have mite infestations often, and some never. Unless your birds live totally indoors and above ground, parasites may happen, so just be aware and treat if some turn up.

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