Preventing pullets into nesting box


5 Years
Aug 15, 2018
Central NJ
5 chickens. 2 are 2 year old, 3 are about 5-6 months old cemanis. How do I stop these cemanis from sleeping in the nesting box? I have closed up the area for two or more weeks and they might roost with the " elders" or they huddle in the corner. But if I leave the nesting door open I will find them in there at night, and I'll move them back to the roost. No one is laying right now so not too concerned about keeping area closed but they will eventually lay so not sure what to do.
You could use some cardboard to block off the boxes at night, but remove it in the morning. You could also roost train the pullets by placing them on the roost each night.
You could use some cardboard to block off the boxes at night, but remove it in the morning. You could also roost train the pullets by placing them on the roost each night.
But that's essentially what I'm doing by closing the door to the nesting box and opening in the morning and placing the cemanis on the roost
Guess that's what I have to do. Hopefully no one wants to lay before 8 am.
This may seem a little crazy but I don't know a single chicken owner who isn't...
You could try lecturing them and tell them that a good chicken sleeps on the roost at night and the nesting boxes are only for laying eggs.
This worked for me... like I said crazy... but they listened so what does that say about my flock 🤔
Guess that's what I have to do. Hopefully no one wants to lay before 8 am.

If you do have layers and still need to prevent birds from sleeping in nests, cover the nests just before dusk, and then once it's completely dark, you can uncover them again. That way the nests will be available for laying in first thing in the morning.
If you do have layers and still need to prevent birds from sleeping in nests, cover the nests just before dusk, and then once it's completely dark, you can uncover them again. That way the nests will be available for laying in first thing in the morning.
Problem is.. When I get home from work it's after 5 and it's pitch black out. Chickens are already inside sleeping.
Problem is.. When I get home from work it's after 5 and it's pitch black out. Chickens are already inside sleeping.

If no other option (like a family member that can help), I would still manually remove them from the nests and put them on the roost after dark. Anything to encourage them to use the roost.

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