Price difference btwn hatcheries


12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
Brighton, CO
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place but...Looking at the price per Salmon Faverolle, one hatchery charges $4.51 and the other charges $2.40. Is there really that big of a difference in the quality of the bird?
it's not just the quality or even the quality. sometimes the shipping and handling will end up making the difference. check the totals first.

also, it will depend on if it is a huge hatchery or private, the quality as mentioned of said stock etc.

some require a minimum purchase by breed, total number etc. and there are charges for small orders.
Not sure. All my hatchery birds have come from Ideal, they are all very nice.
Most are close to the standard.

I am wondering if the one that charges more actually buys their chicks elsewhere and resales? Some "hatcheries" do that
Definitely make sure you look at shipping and handling! Some hatcheries have cheaper chicks but you pay more for shipping and handling. They know everybody notices the chick pricing and many people don't think to look at the shipping and handling.
You have to keep in mind that many of the hatcheries charge more because they are ordering them from a bigger hatchery to fill your order. Thus, their profit. When you order, ask if they have birds on the premises and if you can visit their hatchery. If not, move on to another one. You can also ask outright if they're a drop shipping hatchery...most will tell you if they are. Don't pay drop-shipping fees..get em from the source.

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