Price for selling: Standard & Bantam breeds ( Day old Chicks )


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 6, 2013
Feel free to leave your opinions it would be very helpfull. I am on the 18th day of incubation. but after these hatch i'm going to put standard & bantam eggs in my incubator to sell as baby chicks. I was wondering how much i should sell the Standard size & Bantam day old chicks. Post your prices here, Thank you very much
It depends on the breeds and what is popular and quality of your birds. If their just run of mill breeds that anyone can get then. I wouldn't ask more then $2.00 a chick LF straight run. But if their hard to fine breeds in your area then you could charge double that or more depending on the breed. as far as Bantams it just depends on demand and Quality.
Most people just want good egg layers unless their showing or want eye candy.

Good luck
I have quite a few birds that are EXTREMELY hard to get in my area: Barred Rocks, Easter Egger, Rhode Island Red, BB Red bantam rooster, Red & Black Sex-Link, White leghorns, Barred Rock Crossed Dominique Rooster, Ameraucana, Metal Dragon rooster/ white leghorn = White metal dragon leghorn which lays blue eggs, we have 2 of those and that's it/ What would you think prices would be for those?

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