Prince William County, Virginia

I wonder what the health department would say about his septic system?

Any system for storing, composting, or processing most manure wastes is usually required to be so many feet from a well.
Agreed, you should get hard data about the requirements from a health standpoint rather than allowing a naysayer to raise "issues" that are in scientific error. Also (and I did not re-read all the posts, so it may be in some of the ones I missed), is there a number of chickens that will be allowed, or is it will vs won't? I did see that it was one rooster per acre (whihc is far too few IMHO, lol). The amount of manure from a handful of chickens is considerably less than that from several hundred, and the number that will be allowed should have direct impact on well water health issues.
The number of chickens proposed was 10 per acre. We seem to be getting painted with the same brush as a commercial poultry venture. They simply can't understand having a small number of chickens. Considering the amount of waste produced by dogs versus chickens, we should probably be facing removal of all pets from the county!

Anyone having any information on the effect of animal waste on well water / septic systems would be appreciated. I found some information on composting in Bangladesh, but not sure it will convince local planners.
The reason I posted what I did was to point out that the rules that cover septic systems should provide guidance for setback requirements in regards to wells.

ETA: Just make it absolutely clear to everyone a septic system is a manure storage and composting system and every single time I've looked at the siting rules for septic systems there is a requirement that the boundaries of the system be x feet from a well, there are also setback requirements from rivers, lakes, brooks, and streams etc ...

In the town I'm in all manure piles must be more than 100 feet from any well which if I remember correctly is also the requirement for the septic system.

The current rules for these already exist, they only need to add the same requirements for chicken runs.
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About the removal of all pets from the country, there are groups that advocate that point of view.

Lack of common sense is known problem after all almost half of all people are of below normal intelligence.
Talk to the County Health Department, or even the state health dept. SPeak to the Agriculture Dept and the State Vet. Heck, look up Michigan's GAAMPS provisions for Manure Management.
On September 1, 2010, we will have our next opportunity to convince Prince William County of the wisdom of allowing chickens. The meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday, 1 September, in the Board of County Supervisors chambers at the Prince William County complex on Prince William Parkway.

We have prepared a presentation and a proposed substitute amendment, which we will present during the meeting. Under the "citizen time" format, we are permitted only 3 minutes per citizen to make comments. Our brief in its present form takes about 15 minutes to present. We are allowed only 3 minutes per person to talk, so we will need at least 5 people to pull this off. Right now we have 2 people. Any volunteers?

I will post the brief and the propsed change to the ordinance are posted on our Yahoo Group website - .

I don't know what our chances are of success, but I know they improve with each person who shows up and speaks on our behalf.


Vic Cole
Do you want me to write to the County Officials?

Let me know how I can help
I live in Hanover... Close by
Although I can't make it to the meetings I can try to help in any way you need

Let me know!

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UPDATE: The issue went before the Prince William County Planning Commission on September 1st. They passed on a recommendation that chickens be allowed on all agricultural property within what is known as "the rural crescent,"and on tracts of 2 acres or more that is zoned agricultural or semi-rural in the remainder of the county. They also recommended numbers of chickens. Though there was a lot of discussion about contamination of wells, their recommendation has no language to that effect.

The question was scheduled to come before the Prince William Board of Supervisors on September 14th, but was pulled at the last minute. It was addressed briefly at a working session on September 21st. At that session it was noted that the recommendation from the Planning Commission would require a map change to the zoning laws, but the resolution that initiated the process called for a text change. There was discussion about what to do, but no recommendation emerged. The Prince William Planning Office has steadfastly recommended 2 acres as the minimum amount of land. They reiterated this at the September 21st working session. (As noted in earlier posts, 2 acres is the same as the amount of land required to have a horse. This is still an improvement, since any property with a house is forbidden from also having a chicken, regardles of acreage.

So it continues - we are now on the agenda for the October 5th meeting of the Board of County Supervisors, and the chairman says that a vote WILL be taken at that meeting. We are in the 7:30pm session, and are the LAST item on the agenda. If you can help by being there or calling supervisors, please do so. If you come to the meeting, I will have "hen stickers" you can use to identify yourself as a supporter. Additional information will be posted on our Yahoo group site later today.

-Vic Cole

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