Probably going to give up chicks because of Salmonella risk! Help!

I will just say that I don't always wash my hands, and I must injest some dirt, but in all honesty I take far less days off school sick than my city-kid friends do. They get more colds and sore throats and what-not than I do. We all need some dirt to build up our antibodies to stop us getting sick in the first place.

There is some sort of parasite in dog and cat poo that can cause people to go blind, but we don't not have dogs and cats.

And just think of those lovely eggs that they will give you in about 5 months or something. Much better than the store bought ones (about 50% of which test positive for salmonella).
home chick- I am probally the most picky person about washing my hands and making my family wash their hands. I am a registered nurse in critical care and let me tell you i'm exposed to all kinds of bugs. If i had to think about it i wonder why i'm still around, but i'm careful and use what we call in the medical world as universal precautions. You think every patient could be carrying a bug and either wear gloves when handling fluids and wash your hands before and after touching any patient.
I also have horses, dogs, cats and chickens. I keep my animals well groomed, clean but they are animals. I rarely have a vet out to the house except for shots and an occasional mishap. There are so many bugs out there that are in our homes that would make people nuts, even the cleaniest homes. if you keep them(the animals) and their home clean and wash up after your self with a good sanitizing soap, you won't worry about it so much. Mom needs to get a grip though, there are germs everywhere.!!! Children that grow up with animals usually grow up to be loving and compassionate adults. Let your kids help with the chickens but make sure they clean up after them selves.
Wow, next time I need answers I'm going to try this! (post in a few different places) What page are we on now!!?? Frankly, lets face it...our society today's a little over-paranoid about germs and bacteria. We're going through a similar situation with our chickens, only worse. I've decided the only thing we can do is take as many precautions as possible, and try to avoid worrying, because chances are everything you hear is going to be a bit overblown. Good luck.
You don't get Salmonella just from chickens. My daughter came out of the hospital at 3 days old with salmonella. There weren't any chickens in there. Salmonella is everywhere. Its in the dirt in the backyard. I had a filly get salmonella at 4 days old and was almost put down, but we had a great vet that took a chance on her and she is now a healthy 4 year old. I ask the vet where the filly got it and she said the it is everywhere, in the soil, on fences, on almost everything you touch. They've even had foals get it that were born in foaling stalls that had been sanitized. I think chickens get a bad rap because of it. At this time I have close to 60 chickens from chicks to full grown layers and I'm out with them all the time. If I get it oh well. I'm not going to give up my chickens on a chance I might get something. They are my stress relief and I truly enjoy them.

seriously if you eat chicken (assuming your not a veg) the your still at risk... your at risk if you eat peanut butter i mean really people that dont have chicken still eat peanut butter and some got sick with the salminalla and chickens had nothin to do with it
Homechick, all chickens aside, and from one mom to another, you're gonna have to lighten up just a teeny bit if you don't want to drive your kids insane before they're grown. If you don't let them have a critter or two, taking normal reasonable cleanliness measures, because of a small potential risk, Sweetie, what are you gonna do when it's time for them to learn to drive? Believe me, it's way scarier than the risk of a germ!!
Worrying over every little germ isn't healthy either. Attitude influences a person's health as well. Concentrate on the good stuff, give thanks for your health even if you do have health concerns.

I have 21 chickens and I can't remember the last time I caught something. And one of those chickens sleeps in the house at night--right by my computer!

Isn't that the truth, I have one in drivers training now. Today she got her certificate to drive with her parents. How cool is that? She scares me just driving around the farm.
homechick-I have 2 children and I am diabetic. My youngest is a boy and boys will be boys as they say. Does he wash his hands after handleing the chicks?-he is suppose too and does most times. Has he got sick?-no. I have taught my kids to wash before and after handling chicks and have sanitizer on hand too. We have our 2nd batch of chicks now and two years ago we had our others-we have had no sickness because of our chickens. I can imagine the worry your mom is having because of the diabeties issue but to me there are other things out there that can cause you to get sick easier than the salmonella. I think getting sick from my chickens is a very very.....low risk compared to the other junk out there. Just my 2 cents and hoping to help!
Take Care

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