Problem re-introducing a previously injured hen

the pine tar only works on a small area. They'll probably just pick at her where the pine tar isn't. I wouldn't use it all over the bird as it's sticky and doesn't wear off well. I guess you could try to put it only where they're picking, but I still wouldn't leave her alone with them.
How many are in your flock? Can you take 2 of the hens that are not bothering her and seperate them also? Keep them with the injured hen within sight of the others for a week or so then try putting everyone back together? Are they in a run or is it possible to freerange them together? Maybe heavy on the treats - suet/squash/cabbage. Give them something to do other than pick on her for a bit....
I had to make my one hen a special fitted coat to protect her back,the ones that they sell here would not stay down,this coat has been staying on,i of coarse take it off to see progress.My hens r nuts,every time a feather cmes in on her exposed tail it gets pulled out.They get plenty of protien.I have tried pine tar,blk axle grease,blue coat,vaseline,it only seems to make them more determined.Why r chickens so mean,i raised them from peeps.
I've tried all that, believe me and it hasn't worked! they have plenty of space, plenty of treats and they still bother her...ugh I really really hope the tar works because I have no clue what else to do
My mom made her a coat as well but they peck her head and neck! so it really has no purpose at all
I do understand i have rtouble re intoducing my 1 hen back in,it seems like the only way would to free rangebut that is not possible for me,i wonder if peepers would help the fighting?
what ever you do please be careful and take your time with the re introduction. i rushed it in the same situation and the killed my favorite girl. she was top hen before she got hurt and they killed her bc i did not want the chicken smell in my house anymore...oh, how i regret that decision! when you think all is well error on the side of caution and assume it is not well yet. sorry to be doomsayer but it broke my heart to find that chicken dead in the coop.
Works pretty good with horses...maybe it would work with chickens? Remove her again but this time with a friend that is not aggressive, just for a couple of days. After the two have bonded, put them both back with the flock. Two are harder to pick on than one!
I had to do the same thing. I finally separated the 2 hens who where most aggressive and left her with the other one who is very passive and lowest on the totem pole anyway. When I mean separated, I mean no contact, didn't see each other at all. I removed the aggressive hens from that run. I will even keep them in the house if necessary. I find if they can still see each other and communicate, that the aggression continues. It took about a week, but when they got back together, the pecking order was somewhat mixed up and they resolved it back to the way it was originally. No problems now.

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