Problems breathing but not sure why


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
I have a hen that isn't doing well. She has labored breathing, sneezing, and loose poop. No other chickens have anything. She is pretty lethargic and I found her hanging out in the run while everyone else was ranging. Her croup doesn't feel big but this is my first experience with a sick hen and it's one of my favorites :( Any ideas?
Well, pretty sure she is not going to make it :( I wish I knew what was wrong but I think it's too late. She won't go into the coop and breathing is very labored and it all happened very quickly. She was fine this AM. I heard her sneeze a few times prior to letting her out but she has sneezed in the past. I have no clue.
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Have you tried giving her some vitmains? Maybe try giving her some sugar water to see if that can help perk her up. Do you have a place where you can bring her in and keep her warm?
I just gave her some vitamins and sugar water in a syringe and left her a bowl as well (and seperated her). She stopped the labored breathing. How can it work that fast? It was within minutes of the fortified water. What could be wrong with her?
I don't know what wrong with her.. :( But it is a good sign that she has perked up some. :) I would just keep an eye her. Is it possible that she got wet and cold or anything? Have you noticed any blood or anything like that in her poop? Does she have any kind nasal discharge?
Her lungs sounds fine now but she was sneezing a ton and then just got worse and worse. I have a feeling she might relapse today. Should I try yogurt? Could she have impacted croup or does that not affect breathing?

I have not noticed blood in her stool but will inspect closer today. She is a smaller bird but she always has been and is quite low on the pecking order.

Should I keep her isolated today?

Added for more info as I keep researching and wondering if gapeworm? Unfortunately, I am even more confused about treatment as there are sooooo many options. She doesn't sound gurgly, more wheezy. She sneezes and then gapes for a breath. But alllll of that went 100% away once I gave her the eletrolyte and sugar water. I might give her some yogurt and add some probiotics today to see if that helps to perk her up. She comb was a bit purple last night but she was quite distressed. I honestly thought I was going to lose her.

I forgot to answer one question. No chance that she got wet or cold yesterday but it did rain a TON on Monday (2 days prior).
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An impacted crop shouldn't affect breathing and you can usually feel that. Have you tried looking into her mouth to see if you can see anything? If you can see the worm then we will know dor sure the right treatment.You can always give them yogurt. Mine LOVE plain yogurt! :) I agree there is quite a bit of information on treating gape worms. From what I have read Safeguard (fenbendazole) equine paste wormer at TSC. It's a yellow/green toothpaste looking box. Keep giving her the electrolytes for now and maybe she was just feeling a little down. Watch her for any nasal drainage or any other symptoms as well and make sure she isn't getting a respitory infection. This would be more serious and she would need different antibiotics. I would keep her isolated today just in case. Let me know how she's doing later today. :)
She has been great all morning and then she pooped in her water which, ofcourse, made her not drink. She started the sneezing again and breathing heavy. I cleaned out the water, she drank, and now she is fine again. But it seems like she gets tired after having the breathing episodes. I have no clue what is causing this. I see nothing in her throat (though it is hard to really see well) and no discharge of any kind. Her poop looks just fine too. She does free range often, do chickens like to eat slugs and earthworms if they free range? it's a bit hard to stop them when they are out on their own. I don't want to treat for gape worms and respiratory at the same time as that would probably be a lot for her all at once. This chicken does sneeze quite a bit anyways, she always has compared to the other chickens so I wonder if she just has something wrong with her. No other chicken is having any symptoms.

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