Problems with a hens beak


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
I butcher/process poultry for local families, hens that stop laying, roosters that were supposed to be hens, meat birds and so on, but yesterday someone brought me a young rhode island red hen with a beak problem. Both its upper and lower beak are deformed which is hindering what it can eat so its losig weight. She asked me to process it but im wondering if the beak cam be trimmed so the bird can be saved or if its best to put it out of its suffering. Any suggestions?

I have a pic on my phone but dont know how to upload it through the phone. The upper beak bends to the side and curves downward, the lower beak bends to the side, both are too long.
That is cross beak aka scissor beak. It is a deformaty of the skull. Regular trimming of the beak can help some birds survive with it, but some just can't be saved.
So if i was to trim the beak, the process would need to be repeated on a regular basis? How would trimming be accomplished? Could a sharp knife do it or do you need a specific tool?
Most use a dremel tool since it cauterizes the quick if you go to far. And yes it has to be done regularly. They also may need to be fed wet mash in a deep dish while separated from the rest of the flock. Do a serch, lots of people have threads on coping with crossbeak.

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