
Folly's place

12 Years
Sep 13, 2011
southern Michigan
Again today, starting in the Feeding section, I get this 'security' message: Security Alert The identity of this web site or the integrity of this connection cannot be verified. The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site. I 'x' it out two or three times, and then the site freezes, often. Also, typing messages gets difficult due to frequent dropped letters/ words/ phrases, and frozen site. Again. Happened SEVERAL times while writing this! :he Mary
We need a screen shot of the actual error message, as I suspect it's something coming in via the ad network, and not directly related to this site.
I just defraged, updated browser, and ran a full Norton scan. It's not me! And multiple issues typing this. I don't want to spend to get rid of ads because they are the problem. Mary

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