Processed our 6 Meaties..Pic heavy *Graphic* Update:DINNER!

Wow just plain Wow!!!!!!
I showed this to my 23 year old son who may have to be my executioner some day if I "chicken out" !

I said, "That's the kind of girl you should marry." He agreed.

You're capable, beautiful, and fun and you have a great family.

May you always have a reason to smile.

Best wishes always,

Aw thank you everyone
! I really appreciate all the great, supportive comments from everyone
Thank you, very much.

**Yes they are cornish x's. I was really really happy with their weights, and am trying to keep in mind that I might not be quite so lucky with the next batch!..but here's hoping!!!**

Here is the update on our first meal from our home grown chicken

I had so much to do outside today, I was running short on time to cook the chicken, so I split it in half to cut down on the cooking time.


He looked bea-utiful, roasted/baked in the dutch oven,

The wing just kind of fellll off so easily.... and I quickly inhaled it...just to make sure everything tasted okay...


Now I like to think I am a woman of many talents...Buuuut carving is NOT one of them, and NO ONE should EVER allow me to do's just not a pretty sight. This picture doesn't do the size of the bird justice, but you can get a better idea as to the size of the thighs, from the large dinner plates in the next pic.

Came out incredibly juicy. Definitely firmer than store bought chicken meat...but the kids did not mind the difference, and it turned out to be a fabulous father's day dinner!


AND the best part was, our son was drooling over the smell
and decided to try a piece while it was hot out of the oven...he tentatively held it between his fingers like it was a worm (Gosh forbid he touch a WORM! eek
) and took a teeny tiny bit...
forehead all scrunched up, eyebrows all furrowed....And then
.....gobbled the rest of it down as he proclaimed "I love you chicken, but you taste tooo darn good!!", and grabbed another piece hot off the plate! SOLD!!

Thank you again everyone, for sharing this journey with us!!

Yep, about 45 minutes per bird for the first two, and saturday it took us about 3 hours, including clean up, to do 4. With 25 to do in 2 months, hopefully we'll pick up some more speed!
Oh my goodness, this is one of the best threads EVER. Good for your son finally coming might have to grow more chickens this fall than you had planned!

What did you season that bird with?

Im definitely going to pluck my next batch, yours came out so pretty!

You should be so proud of yourself and your family!!
You sure you weren't raising turkeys???

Glad everything turned out so yummy and that the boy decided to eat some chicken too!!
WOW! Just WOW on the dinner! That wing looked delicious.

I'd like to officially nominate this thread for the notable sticky area. This would be a great addition to the processing tutorials!

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