Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Well, I did it. And of course I screwed it up, but it's done. On the hand It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. On the other, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do it again. Which is too bad, because I was hoping I'd have the confidence of knowing I'd be able to deal with extra roosters.
Congrats on making the plunge and sorry t didn't go well. I hope you are able to do it again. What is it you think you screwed up? Some of it just takes practice.,

The smell is bad too. I'm totally not sensitive to smells (I have a really bad sense of smell), but this is bad. I don't know if it's the blood or the feathers or both. Unpleasant. I can still smell it, and I'm in my living room, not where I slaughtered him (obviously :) ).
I have heard that some add a touch of liquid dish soap to the water and it helps a bit with the smell. I haven't tried it though so don;t really know for sure.

We got the last bunch of meat chickens processed on Saturday. It was a very long day for my poor husband. I helped as much as I could but I'm miserable and 8 months pregnant and it was just too hot outside for me to feel like I made any difference. I gave one female a reprieve after she had spent the day dodging our hands. I felt she deserved it. Starting to regret the decision though, the other chickens aren't very nice to her.

I have 5 whole chickens resting in the fridge, 4 skinned for parting. Other half was supposed to part them but we ended up running out of time yesterday. He left for a 48 hour shift this morning. I'll have to figure something out.

Just a random addition, those horrible jelly feathers really hit my gag reflex when plucking! I've never had a sensitive gag reflex, but the little jelly "stem" left behind from some feathers really makes me feel nauseated.

These chickens were free ranged since 3 weeks, then tractored from 6 weeks because they were puny. Processed at 8 weeks and were around 3.5 to 4.2 lbs. I'm very happy with that :)
At 8 months pregnant I would say you did great...especailly in the heat. And the one hend with the may be surprised how much bigger she is with another week or 2 on her..

Quote: Ron...why so you ask abou the kind of gloves? Is one type better than another? I used the kind you buy at the drug store in a big box. They are almost transparent.

Quote: X2
Ron...why so you ask abou the kind of gloves? Is one type better than another? I used the kind you buy at the drug store in a big box. They are almost transparent.
I think the nitrile gloves are thicker and they are better if you have a latex allergy.

You can double them up too for an added barrier.
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Honey, being that far along in your pregnancy I'd discount all the smells and gag reflexes. A normal you will probably not have this. You did very well. Pat yourself on the back.

My gag reflex was awful early on, hasn't been a problem since the 2nd trimester. No-one else is grossed out by the jelly feathers?! I can't even pluck the wings anymore because of the potential for that salmon coloured jelly string dangling

I got the 5 whole chicken heat bagged up and in the freezer. I will figure out the skinless ones for parts tomorrow. I've never parted a chicken before. I've been looking at guides online, I just can't figure out how to get boneless breasts. I'm hoping it's as simple as cutting the bones out of a boned chicken breast, lol.
I think the nitrile gloves are thicker and they are better if you have a latex allergy.

You can double them up too for an added barrier.


My partner is a medic, he says on the unit whenever there is blood they double up the gloves. He did the same when bleeding the chickens out, he'd make the cuts, hold them still, then pull off the first layer of gloves before continuing.

The gloves also seems to make it easier with hand plucking. More grip on the feathers.
I love that all of you can process your own birds-- what an acheivement-- having done a few now myself I greatly appreciate this skill. And I have a far greater appreciation for being able to walk to the meat counter at the store and walk out with 10# of whole chicken legs for $8.

Yah, I noticed the odd "stink" the first few times I processed-- that alone almost kept me from trying again. Now I don't noticed the smell.
Well, I've had a stroke of luck. I mentioned my coworker from Uganda who slaughtered chickens all the time back home. I'd offered her some of my roosters, but she turned them down saying roosters are tough and not very good tasting. She did coach me on how to slaughter and pluck it though.

This morning she came in and told me that she'd mentioned my chickens to her husband. She says he'd like to have one to slaughter and eat. So, I'm going to transport my last unwanted rooster to her house on Saturday, and she's agreed to slaughter it in front of me so that I can see how it should be done.

I think it would be helpful to see someone who knows what they're doing do it. Maybe with that knowledge, I'll be able to try this again sometime.
Well, I've had a stroke of luck. I mentioned my coworker from Uganda who slaughtered chickens all the time back home. I'd offered her some of my roosters, but she turned them down saying roosters are tough and not very good tasting. She did coach me on how to slaughter and pluck it though.

This morning she came in and told me that she'd mentioned my chickens to her husband. She says he'd like to have one to slaughter and eat. So, I'm going to transport my last unwanted rooster to her house on Saturday, and she's agreed to slaughter it in front of me so that I can see how it should be done.

I think it would be helpful to see someone who knows what they're doing do it. Maybe with that knowledge, I'll be able to try this again sometime.

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