Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

HEnnible, I like to roast everything as it makes a richer flavor. THen into boiling water for soup. Good save!

THis is a good time to remind everyone that rabies is spread via spit and saliva. So be thoughtful of what animal caused the injuries and the circumstances. Obviously most of our chickens are not killed by rabid animals, just hungry ones. Just want everyone to keep their thinking cap on.
Roasted chicken does make the best soup
Originally Posted by Amina

So a couple weeks ago, when I slaughtered my three cockerels, a friend came over to help, and in exchange, I gave her one of the processed birds. It turns out that she never got around to cooking him, and he's been sitting in her fridge all that time. I'm upset that one of my boys might go to waste after all that. :( This is actually the second time this has happened, the first time being with a different person. What is with people? :(

Amina, I've been meaning to respond to this for a couple days. You've gotten some great advice already. You gave the gift, and what your friend did with the meat wasn't on you at all. And the bird gave the gift of knowledge too. But I wanted to add the perspective of the well meaning but forgetful friend.

I have ADHD, and I can't even count the number of things I've forgotten in the fridge. Some of it really good stuff, too. It isn't that I didn't want the stuff that I've wasted. But for years I didn't plan meals. And I'd too often think "I'll get to it tomorrow" or something similar. And then feel like total crap when it gets dumped weeks later. It doesn't excuse it, exactly, but it might put it in perspective.

Anyhow, I've only given away two partial birds that we butchered, and both times they were already frozen. I didn't want to put the pressure on the friends of cooking them right away. And the guys I gave the meat to were very happy both to get the meat, and that it was pre-frozen so they didn't have to worry about it.

In the mean time I bought some shrink wrap bags for poultry, so the next ones I give away will look like the ones from the grocery. That should help too.

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