Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Holy! Thats a 9 x 13 inch pan, isn't it? That's a nice looking bird

Yes it is, and thank you! I got 3 CX hens this size. They were the only females of the group and I just let them go. They free ranged the entire time (from 6 weeks on at least) and were about 16 weeks when processed. No leg issues, no fat around organs, or any other health concerns! They lived a happy and healthy life, then fed my family of 5 (this one made 4 meals)!
I never added a the pic of my CX hen I processed a few weeks back! I never got a weight on her, but as you can see she was BIG. The pan it is in is a large cake pan!

I've got that same pan... it's their food dish.

I'm cooking my first bird tomorrow. Making chicken noodle soup. I'm so excited to see how it turns out! I think I'm ready now since we butchered him a few weeks ago. I'm hoping anyway lol

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