Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Have you thought about using garden shears? I haven't processed any birds, but when feeding the cats raw, I cut up A LOT of leg quarters and I ended up going to a small pair of garden shears to pop through the joints and bones. Seemed safer than using a knife while my hands and the chicken were both wet and slimy... I used kitchen scissors and plant shears, no knives involved.
I skin the birds, so a knife is also used for that and cutting around the butthole. I imagine that would be difficult to accomplish with shears. :confused:
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Also, is it normal for there to be some shank skin/sorta scales left on the bird after removing feet? Is this left on? I removed it last time but it was a mess.
What is you guys' favourite knife for processing, and why? I am looking for a good one so I can stop using my nice kitchen knives for the hack jobs. I have other methods for killing, so it doesn't need to do that. Am hoping to stay under $20. I don't want the $5 ones at the discount store because I like to take less than 5 minutes to remove the legs, but the $50 ones are just View attachment 1232005
This one if you are looking for a new one. It stays sharp!


I also have a kill knife but it is not as useful
Very normal in commercially processed birds, I would say there was some yellow skin and a few scales on over half of the leg quarters I cut up.
Great, thanks. Ashamed to say I never really looked or noticed on the whole chickens from the store. Probably because they have yellow shanks, not black.
Thank you! Staying sharp is what I'm looking for. I don't like having to sharpen often, lol.
I hate trying to sharpen half way though a bird.. I bought replaceable bladed one.. I can do 3-5 birds before I need to sharpen or replace the blade.. not suppose to sharpen them but I have.
knife is $25 and 6 blades are $10 on amazon.. I bought blades somewhere else cheaper though.. not sure where
I hate trying to sharpen half way though a bird.. I bought replaceable bladed one.. I can do 3-5 birds before I need to sharpen or replace the blade.. not suppose to sharpen them but I have.
knife is $25 and 6 blades are $10 on amazon.. I bought blades somewhere else cheaper though.. not sure where
I took advantage of the last nice day that we were having and got a few big CX hens processed. I figured I better get it done and over with before we were back in the teens again today. We'll the first hen I did made sure she let me know what she felt about the whole thing. The second that I pulled her feet, with her head under the broomstick, she let go and rocket pooped right in my eye and across my face. I will NEVER forget that! Disguising! I was hoping to get back in the house to clean up without anyone ain't but my daughter was right there when I walked in. The look on her face was priceless as she looked at me. "Is that POOP!" I'm so glad I'm done processing for a while lol
I took advantage of the last nice day that we were having and got a few big CX hens processed. I figured I better get it done and over with before we were back in the teens again today. We'll the first hen I did made sure she let me know what she felt about the whole thing. The second that I pulled her feet, with her head under the broomstick, she let go and rocket pooped right in my eye and across my face. I will NEVER forget that! Disguising! I was hoping to get back in the house to clean up without anyone ain't but my daughter was right there when I walked in. The look on her face was priceless as she looked at me. "Is that POOP!" I'm so glad I'm done processing for a while lol
That is why food is witheld the night before.


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