Processing extra roosters??


May 13, 2018
Would it be un-wise to process unwanted roosters regardless of breed?
We purchased a large order of straight run assorted chicks hoping to process the roosters that were troublesome or if we had too many. After discovering some of the breeds, I've read that they fall under the "poor" category of meat production.
Should we not process them? Or process them and eat them anyways?
Trying to figure out our best route seeing as we have at least 5-7 roos out of our 20 chickens!
Thank you in advance!
Go ahead and process them! They just won’t be as meaty as some others. There is still plenty of goodness to be had in your own chickens. You can put them in the crock pot or pressure cooker and cook them to pieces, then make broth or stock. You can process them at about 13 weeks and grill them as they will still be somewhat tender (remember to let them “rest” in the fridge for about 72 hours first before eating so rigor passes). Home grown chicken has much more flavor and texture than the 8-week old babies you buy at the store.
I would still process them. We processed a skinny EE rooster of ours. Almost nothing on him, but still took him to freezer camp to keep our girls happy.
Thank you everyone! I appreciate the feedback and I'm glad that we'll still be putting some meat in our freezer :D
Remember, "Poor" means feed conversion, and the weight they'll reach. They are still functionally flightless fowl. Quail and Pheasant and Partridge are delicious and they are lean enough to "really" fly.

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