Processing work load?

Mini Meat

5 Years
Nov 17, 2014
SF bay area (south bay)
My Coop
My Coop
I will, when the time comes, have about 60 DP birds to process. I am wanting to plan out the scheduling. We will be a three person team of first timers. We will be equipped with only a homemade drill plucker for plucking.

My question is how many should I reasonably expect to process in say 4-5 hours? How many days would you schedule this over? How would you schedule this for your self under similar circumstances?

I do not anticipate and problems with anybody getting cold feet and failing to do their job. We are all very committed to this, and will suck it up and do it.

If I do everything myself I can process a out 1 bird per he not counting setup time. With 3 it should go faster but the first few will be slow until e wry one gets a feel for it. After that it should go faster. Hope this helps.


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