A coupel of reviews.. i've had a lot of emergencies at my house lately, so i've gotten more educated about this stuff
Furazone- about $10 at TSC
I had to get this when Ghandi got his back torn up by the stray dog. It's in a huge brown can, and is a bright yellow goo. It says that it's only for horses, but I put it on a HUGE deep running wound, and it helped tremendously. It treats infections that are already going on, and prevents infections from happening. No smell really, but it runs all over when it gets warm- i.e. on a chickens back. It's like it gets a little runny when it's melty. Thus it got in his feathers all around the injury. Not harmful, but it does make him look like a greasy bohunk
Love the stuff.
1 Drop 1 Eye 1 Time- about $27 at poultrymansupply.com
This stuff is absolutely AMAZING!!! It really is one drop treatment. I had several chicks with eye issues. I don't know if it was a cold or what, but their eyes were all stuck shut, puss filled and nasty. I didn't think that they were going to make it because they couldn't see to eat or drink. ChickenCop brought his over and I gave each chick one drop in each eye, and the next day it was cleared up. Complely gone. I don't know what's in it, and I can't find any reference to the stuff anywhere online. But dang. It's good stuff. I've tried the neosporin route and the antibiotics in the water. This has them beat.
So there you go. Just a couple of the things that i've had a chance to use in the last couple of weeks.

Furazone- about $10 at TSC
I had to get this when Ghandi got his back torn up by the stray dog. It's in a huge brown can, and is a bright yellow goo. It says that it's only for horses, but I put it on a HUGE deep running wound, and it helped tremendously. It treats infections that are already going on, and prevents infections from happening. No smell really, but it runs all over when it gets warm- i.e. on a chickens back. It's like it gets a little runny when it's melty. Thus it got in his feathers all around the injury. Not harmful, but it does make him look like a greasy bohunk

1 Drop 1 Eye 1 Time- about $27 at poultrymansupply.com
This stuff is absolutely AMAZING!!! It really is one drop treatment. I had several chicks with eye issues. I don't know if it was a cold or what, but their eyes were all stuck shut, puss filled and nasty. I didn't think that they were going to make it because they couldn't see to eat or drink. ChickenCop brought his over and I gave each chick one drop in each eye, and the next day it was cleared up. Complely gone. I don't know what's in it, and I can't find any reference to the stuff anywhere online. But dang. It's good stuff. I've tried the neosporin route and the antibiotics in the water. This has them beat.
So there you go. Just a couple of the things that i've had a chance to use in the last couple of weeks.