Project criticism - what do you think a project is?

It seems to me like the Red Orp project would be a fairly easy project to start with, since RIRs and Buff Orps are pretty common birds.


I feel your pain on this one. I have not really wanted to share a lot of my projects either because of the same attitude. It is really hard to see how the birds are developing and wanting to share them. Then all the nay sayers jump in to beat you down.

I love your project. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
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well Jody, we'll see how the F1 turns out after I get that boy from you
. Maybe then I will be able to see what direction the *project* will go.
well, I have to say Jean is right though

Marans aren't accepted (yet) by the APA but there are still standards.....
i.e. egg color must be a 4 to be considered a marans

My dh thinks I should develop my own *breed* instead of different colors of existing breeds. He wants me to do it so I can name it
i don't think some folk realize how much work is done before a project can even start, not every egg that hatches is going to be a breeding worthy chick, you go through alot of chicks before you have a breeding stock that have the "trait" for the project AND is still typey for the breed, i have a project i'd like to work on but i'm still building my breeding stock,
I volunteer to take over the lavender project and keep everyone updated. You ship them to me and I'll take over for you!
What do you think? Oh , and sorry for the Charlie address; you 2 type the same!
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