Marty Tom Ski

In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 27, 2008
Looking to find information on what this looks like?
Have hen who appears to have hemorroid...
We believe that she has stopped laying around 2 months ago
looks bad need to know what's wrong

Sounds like it could be a prolapse, but it takes a more experienced chicken person than me to say for sure. Do you have any pictures? That would be helpful?

First you have to separate her from the other chickens. They will pick at that area and can cause her to hemmorage and die. Put a little Preparation H on a gloved finger and gently apply the ointment to the area. Make sure the area is clean. A warm water and mild soap bath might help a lot. Try to get at least a little inside the vent. Prep H is for inflammation. Repeat for about a week until prolapse shrinks. Hope this helps.
we cleaned her, used prep H and pushed the prolapse inside her. it is staying inside for now. how many times do we use prep H. Is it twice a day?

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