Proper Terminology - Culling

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Ok.... so where do I find this computer spell check thing on my computer? It's only about 4 years old but that is ancient in technology.
Yea, where be dat dere spel chick thingy on me cumputer, me ploptop be seben munths olde an It doent do no spel chik. thnx fo yo coperasion ven yos teling me.
I have a Mac, so mine came with one. I had to download a separate one to use in my earthlink email. I'd expect to be able to find it in your tools, but if you can do a "find file" search, (Is that right? It's "Finder" in Mac.) for "spell check" or maybe "spellcheck" and see if anything comes up. If it doesn't, you can check the updates/software website for your model computer, you can google to find those, and do a site search for spell check. You can most likely download one for free.

It's been a long time since I've used a PC, so I can't tell you much about those. Perhaps a computer-savvy PC owner will speak up and have better info than I do. You can also google "spell check software" and if you wish, "grammar check software" , or "free spell check software" (or "freeware spell check", etc.). You'll most likely find quite a few. Mine give me the option of underlining errors in red as I type. This is very helpful to me, as I get in a hurry and leave out letters. I also need to clean my keyboard, the keys are a little sticky, sometimes they don't register when I tap them.

Without spell check, I would no doubt, post a lot more errors. Even with it, a few slip through. Posting late at night, while tired, increases errors, too. I'm sure lots of us are frequently posting-while-groggy.
I didn't know they had this I just figured certain programs on my computer had the spell check not the actual computer itself... indeed nice, I'm going to have to look tonight when I have more time.

Me ploptop HP puter has a habit of jumpin up or doun or ovin havin a leter showin up dat I dont type in or sumetime leaf won out. HP say thar aint nuthin rong with the machin. So mist be da net wurmcastin cacoon.
As far as i'm concerned, this whole thread is moot and the chickens we discuss here couldn't care less either.
I've heard "euthanize" used to describe any relatively painless killing. Perhaps we shouldn't cull, harvest, dispatch, slaughter, etc., just euthanize.
I'm sure if they had a say,they'd say "eat more beef". Were having ham today with plenty of deviled eggs.

Happy Easter everyone! Will and family
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

In livestock production vernacular Cull is defined as removal of unwanted animals.

In the production closeouts I review for pork, poultry, and beef production we track the number of Dead/Culls, in other words no-value animals. Spent hens are culled from the flock. Sick pigs are culled from the herd.

You can pull up all of the definitions you want, but in Agriculture Cull means removal of unwanted or sick animals. It does NOT mean choosing prime animals for harvest as meat, milk, or eggs.


Definitions are irrelevant here as the mods can edit what you say at any time and the accepted term here is indeed cull.​
Definitions are irrelevant here as the mods can edit what you say at any time and the accepted term here is indeed cull.

I still agree with jim.. do not include me in your group of accepting people.. cull is used incorrectly by many unknowingly... also cull is used by many people who are afraid to use the words,: butcher, kill,slaughter,process and more that I cannot think of ..

am I to believe that the mods will edit these words?? unbelievable..
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