Pros and Cons for using sand

I use the Quikrete sand from Lowe's, and it works well for me. I'm sure there are varying opinions. Just speaking from my experience. And I do add the PDZ. Makes quite a difference.
Here in southern New Jersey I have horrible clay soil that results in boot-sucking mud at the slightest rain. I do have roosts for my hens outdoors to give them relief.

I'm constantly adding sand to the run areas to lighten the clay and allow some drainage. Play sand in 50 lb bags from the home center are manageable (I am a small 66 YO woman) and inexpensive.

The hens appreciate the improved soil.

During the summer I bed the run with grass clippings from my organic lawn. Every two weeks I rake out the old clipping for the compost heaps and put down new clippings. The hens love the chance to scratch around in the grass, the sand allows my soil to drain on rainy days which keeps the clippings fresher.

My hope is that over the years the soil in the run will improve with the addition of sand, sand, sand.
Just got four new baby chicks today ...They are Easter Eggers or Araucanas...Looking for good name for them...They will be new addition to my flock of ten../.one year old year olds...I have four Leghorns,three Rhode Island Reds and three Barred Rocks...Of course they will be in the house for several Months, but one day hope to introduce them to the other girls...It will be my fist time to do this...since I just started keeping chickens last Spring. Had them as a child, but that was a long time ago...Have really enjoyed my girls this year ...Looking for good names and any input or advice...
Just posted thet I got Araucanas but they are Ameracanas They are so cute...! One blond with black stipes...Three a little darker with stipes.
Just posted thet I got Araucanas but they are Ameracanas They are so cute...! One blond with black stipes...Three a little darker with stipes.

I think you should start a new thread under the 'Raising Chicks' section. This is a thread about using sand in the coop, so you might not get much feedback.
I dumped some pete moss in the run just to get rid of it and my girls went nuts - cooing, cackling, rolling around, digging - We never saw them happier!
I live in CT with snowy cold winters and was considering sand to for easier cleaning in the coop, but reading all these posts has gotten me conflicted. Since your climate seems to be similar, I would apprecriate your advise.

I also have well built (amish made) coop with a glass board floor and 2 roosting bars. We've been using hay for insulation and bedding but are getting overwhelmed with the volume and time it takes to clean up - especially in the freezing, snowy winter months. And it doesn't compost well. I've tried shedded plain paper & news print in the warmer months (mixed with pine & cedar shavings) - easy to clean out & compost, but not great for winter.

My girls LOVE pete moss and sand in the run, but now I'm confused about that as well....coccidiosis? PDZ?? What are these and why does sand and moss proliferate them?

Any advice/suggestions can offer me will be greatly appreciated :)

Blessings! Karen
Thank you! I, like vsecretz, also am new and live in New England and am struggling with the run litter and coop info confussion as well. I appreciate the information.

Quote: This is going off the subject of sand, so we may want to start a new thread for inside the coop OR we could take this private.

We do have similar climates and I know CT well since my in-laws all live there.

PDZ is a "stall sweetener" that helps avoid odors from urine and poo. I used it in my horse stalls during the winter (horses were out in the summer.) I've never used it for the coop or run. I prefer lime mixed with diatomaceous earth for the hen areas.
Coccidiosis is a chicken ailment.

Just now I'm off to class (orchid immersion at Longwood Gardens in PA) but I will send you an over-view of my care, my brand new coop, etc. this evening.
I am interested in trying sand for our outside coop. We keep the girls in the garage for the winter- letting them out in the yard daily. What is the PDZ? Also when you do the outside coop with sand what do you use for the bottom of the coop so predators do not dig under?

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